showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Bimbo Joe the Lion1983 labelimageminimize
Samurai Warrior: The Battles of Usagi Yojimbo  Firebird (Source)1988
[1]***My favourite game. Based on the comic character of the same name, for once the Spectrum was grafically superior to both the Amstrad and C64 in rendering a style close to the original- black and white!
The programmer, Dave Semmens allowed me huge (for the time) sprites and got it running at a reasonable speed. A year later, we approached [company=Psygnosis]Psygnosis[/company] with the idea of converting [game=Beast]Beast[/game] to the Spectrum. Dave managed to upgrade the engine to display 9 or 10 layers of parallax in the background at the same speed as our original game. Coincidently enough, I hear Dave has just started working for Psygnosis. You are still my hero, Dave!
[Ross Harris]
International Ninja Rabbits Creative Edge;Flair (Creative Edge)1993Released by Flair in Europe. labelimageminimize